Lent Day 36

Lent Day 36 - A personal testimony

Quiet a few years ago; perhaps eighteen I bought these small sheep ornaments in a little gift shop in Castlewellan. A ram, a ewe and a lamb. It wasn’t just that they were lovely to look at but there was a reason for the purchase.

At the time we were struggling and in a deep valley of despair and uncertainty. Our youngest son had become quiet difficult and was ensnared and addicted to drugs and alcohol. During that time we walked through some horrendous situations; valleys with him. At one point we were having to make a difficult decision as to whether he was to be removed from our home. The Lord spoke clearly! Love, ‘It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.’

So that’s what we did! I bought these sheep reminding me of the love, care, protection, wisdom and patience of the Good Shepherd toward our family and each time I dusted and lifted that little lamb I prayed for our beautiful but broken son.

Our story has a happy ending, many others may not. That son is walking with the Lord, has been on mission to India, Africa and Brazil. He is married and we are blessed with his two adorable daughters.

We continue to be thankful for our Good Shepherd’s faithfulness, wisdom and love. Surely goodness and mercy follow us.

Whatever you are facing today may you too know His goodness and mercy. May you be comforted and filled with courage as His love envelops and holds you. May you hear His word to you and may it stir hope within and change without. For your lost and hurting prodigals may they encounter the Good Shepherd that goes after the one and may they return to the flock 🙏🙏🙏

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