Lent Day 28

Psalm 23 Blessing


May you yield to the Shepherd and follow His lead.

May you find refreshing and restoration in the days ahead as He guides you.

May you choose to walk the right paths He has for you and may you avoid draining, destructive distractions.

May you lean into Him in the times of difficultly and despair and in these times may you know His love, His help and encouragement and may you know His comforting you.

May you have your gaze on Him in whatever you are battling through and may you you know Him sustaining  and nourishing you in spirit, soul and body.

May you receive the anointing He has for you. Anointing for the journey and season now and ahead.

May you be overwhelmed by the richness of His mercy and overflowing with thankfulness for His goodness.

May you thrive as you abide in Him and He in you.

May you dwell forever with Him.


Photo *unsplash


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