Lent Day 23

… and Mercy

On this 23rd day in Lent, and the 23rd reflection, we continue with Psalm 23!

I am so thankful that God pursues me.  Left to myself, goodness knows where I might end up or in what sort of mess I’d find myself!  It is so good to know that God has a plan for my life and when I cooperate, things will work out for the best.

I’m also glad that God pursues me with mercy, and not with judgement.  I don’t get what I fully and justly deserve.  Instead I am loved, forgiven and I have the hope of eternity with Him.

Realising these things brings peace and perspective in the midst of pressure, rush, and all of the anxieties of life.  Today, may we slow down enough in our thinking to recognise that God is looking out for us, for our good.  He shows us mercy, and may we likewise show mercy to others.




*photo  unsplash

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