Lent Day 10

Even though I walk through the valley of shadow …

As we journey through life at some time or other we all will experience valleys. Perhaps you might find that you are in one right now!

There are many reasons we find ourselves in them and our experience in them is not always the same for us as it is for others. One thing for sure is that valleys are for passing through and as we do we can be assured that we are never alone as our Good Shepherd is with us.

Valleys can be challenging and difficult places to find ourselves in for many reasons but one thing to note is in a valley our perspective and vision is restricted. That’s when we need to lean into the Lord, put our trust in Him and His word and ask Him to help us and guide us through.

I pray you can take hope and encouragement from these words of David that even though you may be in a valley of shadow or uncertainty; grieving or mourning; depression or despair; tears or sorrow; weakness or pain there is a way through. Not only this but there are lessons for you to learn that you can only do so in the valley.

May you find the grace and strength you need for each step forward.

* Photo source Unsplash

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