Prayers by young people

Father, make me love other people sincerely, serving them faithfully in 
wonder at what Christ has done for us all.

Compel me by your Spirit to offer a hand to that young, single mother, may 
I be more interested in her name than her age or past.

Forgive me for not making time for the sick, the elderly, the dying. But 
may I be there for them now believing them to be worth the visit, showing 
that they're still worth caring for.

Give me the opportunity and assertiveness to show homosexual people that 
they are made and loved by you... coz it's true LORD.

May I love and encourage the kids at drop-in not because they're cool or 
looking cute but because Your precious image is in them.

the lost, the broken, the sad, the addicted, the fallen, the lonely, the 
foreigner, the rich, the poor,...Your kingdom come in their lives LORD! 
through me or despite me, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 


Lord, I'm sorry for thinking of my own needs while the poor, the elderly, 
and the hurting suffer. I am sorry that I have not used the gifts you have 
given me in everyway I can. May my spirit long for the broken and the 

As you have given me a heart for the third world and for the youth who are 
yet to meet with you. May you provide for me the resources needed to bring 
these two together and save lives both spiritually and physically. Set out 
my path and make it clear which way to go.

I pray for the Christian population of this world. Unite the churches and 
may our differences be forgotten. As the enemy attacks, bring us closer 
together so that the churches can stand as one.

As you give me responsibilities and authority in my life, help me to use 
them in the way YOU want and don't let pride get to my head. I will 
sacrifice my body for the poor and for the elderly and I won't let 
selfishness get in the way of that. I won't let any distractions or 
temptations stop me from completing your ultimate dream for my life. Even 
when it gets tough I will NOT give up and I will have faith in you ALWAYS.

Lord, may I reflect Jesus Christ in everything that I say and do. Father 
make MY hands dirty, make My feet hurt and make My body weak by the 
service you require from us.

In Jesus name

God I want to live love. 

You are alive and at work…I truly believe that and ive seen it. I want to be a part of it. God I don’t want to be a mere shadow or ghost of what I can be, I want to be real. Help me not to look past the hate and pride and injustice and darkness in my own life and in the world around me.

I want to go to the places You send me. Make relationships wherever I go, loving people just because, and not with an agenda.

God I need you to be there, because ill mess up on my own. I get in your way all the time and for that im sorry. Lord I need your grace for those times. But Jesus I also need it for everyday. For getting up to talk to you, for talking to others, for the thousands of decisions I have to make for you every day. I need Your help for that.

God widen my tent pegs, stretch my understanding of what youre like. Show me your glory that I could reflect it. Love me that I can love others. Stretch what I think it means to live for you, to live a radical life.

I pray that I can be radical in the small things. Daily prayer, daily sacrifice, daily love.

Because in the end, love wins. And I thank you God every day for that.

God You ask us to come before You in spirit and in truth.
If I'm honest I feel like a failure. All I want to be able to say is I love 
You and truly mean it. It has to go beyond words. I have to show I love 
you by the way I live. Sorry I have let it slip off my tongue so lightly, 
so many times before. Sorry that I have wronged You, grieved your Spirit.  
I'm sorry that I have squandered your love your life your grace. I have 
been blind and disobedient, proud and arrogant. I'm sorry Jesus.

So I stand here feeling broken, feeling like I'm not up to the task You lay 
before me, but I stand here none the less. For You have paved the way.  
Torn the curtain, given me the right to stand in heavenly places, in Your 

From this place I say:
In my weakness, be my strength.
In my failure, You will succeed.
Where I am dry, You will give life.
Where I am blind, You will give vision.
Where I lack hope, You will give faith
Where I have squandered, You will release.
When I fall down, You pick me up.

I stand here and say, Satan does not have the victory, the victory is 
Christ's. No matter how I feel, no matter if everything I hold dear is 
stripped away, no matter if it even costs my very life, God is high and 
lifted up. This land needs a generation, who will give all in pursuit of 
Your presence, Your power and Your perfect will. God let me be counted as 
one of them.

So with this stone, I am laying down my rights, my hopes, my dreams and I 
surrender all to you.


Lord Jesus,

You, the great shepherd, left the flock to find the lost sheep, 
You stepped down into darkness to find me, 
To take me out of the gutter and dress me in robes of righteousness 
By spilling your blood for my sins. 
A Love so beautiful that captivates my heart.

I have considered the cost, of following your ways
And the sacrifice is great, but I love you Lord and
I want to lay down my life to follow you.
You have put in me a heart after your own heart
and I yearn to be used as a tool for your Glory.

I want to die to self, laying down my pride, self-righteousness and selfish motives.
I want to stop being too self important to love a friend who needs the company.
I want to stop being too busy to invest in real relationships with people who need to know you Jesus.
I want to stop living for me! and start living for You Jesus in servitude and humility
Jesus I want to give you the things that hurt me to give to you, I want to give you my identity.

Lord, I don't want to be salt in a pile of salt. 
lead me out to season the barren, the dry bones, the luke warm and the bland. 
show me to the dark places where the light of Christ needs to shine. 
I will exalt the name of Jesus Christ amid the darkness, 
by the Grace of God, kneeling on the dirty streets of Belfast in prayer, 
loving the unpopular and undignified, serving my enemies.  
For to live is Christ and to die is gain.


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